Memorial and funeral services are intended to preserve the memory, celebrate, and share the life of the deceased in a healing, healthy way. Planning a service, whether at a funeral home in Davenport, IA or at some other location, is one of the best ways that the bereaved can not only say goodbye to their lost loved one but also so they can begin the healing process.
How can planning a service help? One of the best things about our modern world is that traditions aren’t as rigid as they once were. This means that you can make a service for your lost loved one whatever you want it to be. You have the flexibility and freedom of choice necessary to honor your lost loved one in a way that’s just as unique as they were. The following are just some suggestions for planning a service, so feel free to go in a different direction if it’s what you feel is best.
The first step in planning a service is choosing a location. This can be a funeral home, cemetery, church, or any other location that has meaning to you and your family. Some popular service locations include funeral homes, beaches, lakes, backyards, churches, golf courses, restaurants, and even local parks.
Whatever location you choose, just be sure that it can fit the desired number of attendees and that is has the necessary amenities to meet your needs, from electricity and microphones to bathrooms and chairs. You also need to consider music. Music is very important when it comes to services. Take some time to think about what kind of music will be best for your service and what kind of music will best reflect the deceased.
Don’t forget about the guest list. You can host a service of any size, from an intimate moment with close family to a large event with the entire community in attendance. Just be sure you take some time to consider the space you choose and how many people will fit. What about multimedia presentations? Our modern world has afforded us the benefits of technology, including multimedia presentations that can share memories of your lost loved one. Plus, these presentations are wonderful ways to preserve all your favorite memories in one simple place. Put together a presentation with photos, video clips, and music. And finally, think about guest participation. Guests don’t have to be simply attendees – they can also participate in the service by doing things like telling stories about the deceased, lighting candles, scattering ashes, or helping to release doves or butterflies.
These are just a few tips to get you started on planning a healing service. Remember, every person is different and therefore every service can be different, too. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box to honor your lost loved one.
Trimble Funeral Home & Crematory is here to help if you want more tips or information on Davenport, IA funeral homes. Stop by and visit us or give us a call today to learn more about what we can do for you in your time of loss.
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