
About Us

Meet Our Caring Staff

Meet our staff, as members of the Quad City community, we make everything that happens possible. Together, we make this place amazing.

Trimble Staff
Eric R. Trimble

Eric R. Trimble

President, Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer in Illinois and Iowa

What is your background with Trimble Funeral Home and Crematory?

I graduated from Cornell College in 1968 and from the University of Minnesota Department of Mortuary Science in 1969. I joined my father, Riley Trimble, in the funeral business on September 1, 1969.

How and why did you enter the funeral services business?

I had lived in a house next door to our Moline funeral home my entire life until I went to college. As a youngster in grade school, I began helping to mow the grass and wash the cars at the funeral home. It wasn't until my junior year at Cornell College that I decided to become a funeral director.

What are your passions within the business?

I truly find meaning in helping people at a time when no one else can help them. My father taught me that being a funeral director is a sacred calling because we are entrusted with the most valuable treasure a family has - a loved one. Therefore, we act as if every funeral were for a member of our own family.

What have been the most memorable events in your time with Trimble?

We have been privileged to serve families from all walks of life, and each is memorable. The expansion of the firm from one funeral home to two funeral homes, a crematory, a reception center, and a gift and stationery store are achievements of which I am particularly proud.

What keeps you committed to this business?

I cannot imagine doing anything else besides funeral service. The long hours and difficult work are rewarded by families who are truly grateful for our help and comfort.

What else would you like families to know about you?

A real joy to me is having my wife, Barbara, and both our children working with me. Barbara and our daughter Amy manage WaterMark Corners, our gift and stationery store on John Deere Commons in Moline. Our son, Reid, now works by my side, as I once did with my father.

Amy Trimble

Amy Trimble

Director of Operations

 Reid W. Trimble

Reid W. Trimble

Manager, Funeral Director and Embalmer in Illinois and Iowa

What is your connection with Trimble Funeral Home and Crematory?

I graduated from the University of Minnesota in 2004 with degrees in Mortuary Science from the Medical School and Entrepreneurial Management from the Carlson School of Management. I joined my father, Eric Trimble, on May 1, 2004.

How and why did you enter the funeral services business?

I began mowing lawns and parking cars at the funeral home when I was 16. As a young man, I was encouraged to enter a career that would make me happy. Working at the funeral home the summer after my junior year of college helped me realize that serving people is what true happiness is for me.

What are your passions within the business?

I really enjoy the feeling that I am a part of something that makes a difference in people's lives. My true passion, and the reason that I entered funeral service, is simply to be there for our families. I find myself going through many emotions along the funeral path. Our families experience so many feelings, and I find that the bond I develop with each individual is a miracle beyond words.

What have been the most memorable events in your time with Trimble?

All of the experiences and amazing people I have encountered since entering the funeral service business have been vastly rewarding for me. I am learning that every family we serve will be etched into my memory for years and years to come. While we are a huge part of their lives for a few painful days, they also become imbedded in our hearts through their stories and personal experiences.

What keeps you committed to this business?

I feel honored to be surrounded by people who care deeply about the business, and more importantly, the families that we serve.

 Skyler M. Brown

Skyler M. Brown

Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer in Illinois and Iowa

What is your connection with Trimble Funeral Home and Crematory?

I started working at Trimble Funeral Home in June of 2022 and forsee many years to come. 

How and why did you enter the funeral services business? 

I completed my Bachelor's Degree in Biology with a Minor in Criminal Justice at St. Ambrose University in May of 2022. I never thought about joining into the business of funeral services until my Junior year of college, when it came as a calling. I was encouraged by the staff at Ambrose to find something that would allow me to thrive with my educational background. Having a science background along with criminology, the field of funeral service was a perfect balance of my two passions. I graduated from Worsham College of Moruary Science in September of 2023, completing my education and beginning my career. 

What are your passions within the business? 

My greatest passion within the business is embalming. Being able to present your loved one in a way that allows you to view the person you once knew, can mean eveything to families. It is my passion to be able to provide the best possible care for your loved one. 

What have been the most memorable events in your time with Trimble? 

Being able to make an impact on families and friends, watching these experiences occur in front of my eyes. All the staff at Trimble have also changed my perspective on the saying "going above and beyond", because it's truly what happens for each individual that walks through our doors. 

What keeps you committed to this business? 

Being able to provide to others in times of need really keeps me happy to be a part of the funeral service business. I can say without a doubt that I have found a job that makes me feel like I belong. 

 Savilla Holstine

Savilla Holstine

CityView Manager and Event Coordinator

 Brie Frazelle Thompson

Brie Frazelle Thompson

Funeral Director and Embalmer in Illinois

Mark Saunders

Mark Saunders

Pre-Need Specialist

Chris Volquardsen

Chris Volquardsen


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